I Had Dinner With Jussie Smollett’s Alleged Attackers Last Night

So I had my annual friends Fantasy Football Dinner last night. Our friend group in Chicago has dwindled over the years. Guys have got married, moved to the burbs, moved out of state, etc. 

I actually won my first fantasy championship this year. 15 years in the making.

So last night was special.

We went to La Scarola, scene of a highly publicized carjacking a couple nights earlier.

About 20 minutes after being seated, two jacked dudes that looked awfully familiar got seated directly behind me.

Armando, the owner, was going extra heavy on the Don Julio shots, and one of the rounds she poured for the guys behind me, Ola and Bola. 

We cheers’d together and I asked the guys if they used to work out at my friend Mike Jabber’s UFC gym. They said Yah and asked me how I knew him, and we were off and running.

From that point on we reminisced about all the great things we loved about Chicago.

The polar vortex, Streeterville, the hit tv show Empire, and making America great again.

They said La Scarola is the only place they go for Italian. So I told them about Volare and coincidentally they didn’t know where it was.

I introduced them to grappa (they were big fans) and they asked if I needed any security help at any of my bars.

I would venture to say we’re best friends now but we just met.

In all seriousness it was kind of sad how surprised they were to meet people who weren’t dickheads to them. Some of the stories they told us of strangers talking shit to them were really fucked up. Especially considering how jacked both of them are. People are crazy.

But yah, Ola and Bola are good dudes. Hoping to get them on Dog Walk with Eddie soon. Stay tuned 

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